logoweb intercitrus

Press Releases

Intercitrus warns that the detection of the Asian HLB vector in …
Si este insecto se introdujera, España tendría los dos portadores del Greening (HLB), lo que dispararía la posibilidad de que la enfermedad se detecte y en tal caso la…
The record number of rejections for ‘False Codling Moth&#8…
Intercitrus believes that the regulation should affect imports from countries suffering from the pest and should be applied to all citrus fruits that can carry it: orange…
Intercitrus brings together Spanish MEPs to create a pressure gr…
The interprofessional warns that the risk of entry of the ‘False Colding Moth’ and ‘Citrus Black Spot’ is “unacceptable”, that if action is not taken now and progress is …
Intercitrus points out that cold treatment is “non-negotia…
Spain made its first shipment of clementines with cold treatment to the US in 1979, and nowadays, it’s an internationally standardized process with full guarantees, alrea…
Intercitrus denounces EU’s “serious loss of credit&#…
From January to last October 27, they have triggered a record 181 pesticide food alerts, 16.4 times more than in all of 2019 and more than twice as many as in 2020. 66…
Intercitrus warns that the Spanish citrus sector is on the ropes…
The growing volumes of citrus from the southern hemisphere at very low prices complicates the departure of satsumas and early clementines and delays the departure of Nave…
High numbers of ‘Citrus Black Spot’ rejections revea…
Intercitrus recalls that European regulations for this destructive citrus pest – which the EU describes as a “priority” because of its serious environmental and economic …
Intercitrus warns that the entry of new pests is unsustainable a…
The interprofessional supports the Spanish government’s letter to the European Commissioners, demanding the consideration of Spanish citrus as a ‘sensitive product’ in th…
Intercitrus denounces that the Ministry’s control plan aga…
The Spanish Orange and Mandarin Interprofessional, Intercitrus, affirms the total failure of the control plan implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture to fight against …