Press Releases

The value of citrus fruits for their Vitamin C content…
Citrus fruits such as oranges, mandarins, lemons and grapefruit have a very interesting nutritional composition, and their regular consumption within the context of a var…
Intercitrus calls on EIB not to fund South Africa to upgrade por…
The European Investment Bank (EIB), dedicated to serving strategic EC projects, is negotiating multi-million-euro loans and grants to the South African government to help…
Intercitrus warns that the rejection of False moth detected in A…
Interprofessional demands a prompt clarification from the Commission because this pest is not declared in this country and, if it had it not been intercepted in November …
South Africa breaks records and suffers in October 12 rejections…
Intercitrus has already described the South African decision to suspend orange exports from areas declared with this disease since September 15th as a “cosmetic operation…
The 5 citrus rejections due to ‘Black Spot’ in Septe…
Given this country’s non-compliance with the cold treatment against the ‘False Codling Moth’ and the record interceptions for Citrus Black Spot (CBS), Intercitrus reitera…
Intercitrus confirms that, as in 2022, South Africa is not compl…
They resort to the ruse of applying the treatment temperature to the container rather than, as required by European regulations, cooling the central part of the fruit for…
Intercitrus denounces South Africa’s new “disinforma…
After taking Brussels to the WTO over the cold treatment approved against ‘false moth’, South African operators are demanding that their government take similar action ov…
Intercitrus warns of the presence in the EU of the most dangerou…
Following its initial detection in Israel in January 2022, the presence of Diaphorina citri in Cyprus, which is EU territory, has now been confirmed. This should compel B…
Intercitrus urges the EU to demand proof from South Africa that …
The 3 interceptions (2 in oranges and 1 in mandarins) of South African shipments due to False Codling Moth in 2022, and the 2 interceptions already recorded this year unt…
Intercitrus faces several challenges, including reciprocity, pla…
Enrique Bellés (Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias) hands over the presidency of the interprofessional to Inmaculada Sanfeliu (Private Trade-related OP’s, from CGC), who a…